I got Rodgie a Muddie Buddies Massage. It was so much fun. You can get them done at New Image Day Spa's. You go into a steam shower for 30 minutes and rub "mud" on each other. Then afterwards you get an hour long couples massage. It's heavenly...it's making me want to go back just thinking about it. I also got him a fun certificate for a Sushi Class. Unfortunately it landed on the day we are heading to St. George (this weekend) so we had to cancel. I was bummed.
Rodger got me a beautiful pearl ring. It was quite the surprise and I love it.
Happy 3 years to us!
Lately we have had the girls over for weekends a few times. We love when this happens.
I had to get a picture of them on "their bench." They love to sit down and take their shoes off here.
They helped me put up my very little amount of Spring decorations. I tested them to see how they came up with spelling Spring.
I think they did pretty darn well. Cute little things.
On March 10th Scott, Rodger's dad, celebrated his 50th Birthday!
We threw him a surprise party.
It landed on one of the weekends we had the girls, they helped us throw confetti at him as he walked in the door home from church.
Ready to surprise Scott!
Cute Kyler
Happy Boy Tristan
I of course made a game about Scott. It was my typical memory. Silly me had the matches the same color. I was hoping no one would catch on, but they did. Oh well, it was the thought that counts.
On March 15th it was Sarah Sue's 1st Birthday! She is such a cutie, I love her to pieces.
We recently got an elliptical to get my fat butt into gear. We opened the box and this is what we saw. It was as if we bought a tool set.
Rodger tried to hide his frustration about putting this together, but he didn't hide it very well. He loves things like this. It took him a couple days, but it is up and running.
This is where a lot of my time has been lately. School related. For one of my classes we had to do 12 hours of community service, which blew. It wasn't too bad but wasn't the greatest. Luckily, Ashley is in this class along with my friends husband, Michael. We helped Fruit Heights City prepare Nicholas Park to get ready for the spring season.
During this semester I have had a few meltdowns. It's hard working full time and then coming home to homework and studying. I find that if I change my attitude and enjoy going to school, it makes it so much easier and better. That is my goal.
This semester is done in 2 weeks, it will be a great feeling. It will then start up again May 2nd a few weeks later. Yes, I am taking summer classes. I feel that I still work so what's the difference. It's not like the care free days anymore where you had the whole summer off. Oh how I miss those days.
Anyways, things are great for us. We are heading to St. George this weekend, wishing the weather was going to be nicer, but we will take it.
P.S. I also just got rid of this here fat square phone. What a glorious day. I now have the cool iphone and I love it.