Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About Time!

Wow! Where do I even begin?! I have been horrible at blogging and it has bothered me too much. Plain and simple-school was a major part of why I never updated.
Let the updating begin since I bet you are all so curious as to what we have been up to.
I mostly do this for my records/journal.

Anyways, since I last updated we were on our way out the door for one last St. George trip with Cole/Gab. They were moving back up here in a few more weeks in time for their July wedding and to be back home after college. Our last time down there before they moved back North was a success.
Matching piercings.
I was slightly nervous.
Matching manicures.
Matching owie's.
Rodger was rounding third to run home and it was slippery and wet and he completely biffed it. Poor soul.
Cole was catching a fly ball out in Right Center and the ball hit his eyebrow before his glove.
It was a rough game-I can't even remember if they won-this was back in April.
Rodger's leg was giving him a hard time for a few weeks (and still is today with the beautiful scar it has left that he will have for the rest of his life).
Sorry-it was pretty gross for sure.
We celebrated Kyler's 1st Birthday April 5th! He sure is a cutie.
The twins turned 5 on April 24th. Time sure does fly. They got bikes from mom and dad.
I made them homemade pillow cases. They have recently started Kindergarten and love it.
As you know, Lindsey was in Savannah Georgia for 5 months. She had plans to come home May 21st. I was the lucky one and was told that she was coming home early. I don't know if this considered me to be the favorite or the least favorite? Anyways, I held this surprise for a good 2 months. I told NO ONE she was coming home a good few weeks early-not even Rodger.

May 2nd finally came and I had butterflies all day long. I left work to go pick up Lindsey and Brynn. From there we went to drop Brynn off at home, her family had no idea either. We simply walked in the door and her family freaked. They were so happy to have her home.

The first person on our list was Rodger. I pulled in the garage just like any other day. I walked in and Rodger was in the kitchen. I said, "Babe, I have a surprise for you." He awkwardly smiled and was hesitant to find out what it was. Lindsey then came running up the stairs and jumped into his arms.
They each were missed. I love this picture.
Next up was my mother. We surprised her at work. Rodger and I came in first and simply said we dropped by to visit. A few minutes later someone walks in the door, holding yellow flowers, my mother couldn't stop smiling.
Of course we had to catch dad on the golf course. Luckily he was a few minutes from playing the hole behind his house. He didn't like Lizzy's new hair. She got hair extensions out in Georgia. I, of course, was mighty jealous.
Buttons and family were last. Rodger and I made plans to have dinner with them at Cafe Rio that evening. Lindsey waited in the car and creeped up behind us in the parking lot. She asked Chelsea if she could hold her baby. It was so funny seeing Chelsea's reaction, she was completely freaked out and confused.
Sarah was happy to have her auntie Lizzy back.
It was a fun surprise-something I will never forget.
*I can't remember the circumstances with Ashley/Dave. Later that evening Lindsey did go over to pay them a surprise visit.
We spent a lot of our spring nights in Centerville at the boys baseball games. This was about the time Sarah was learning to walk. I love her.
I intruded on Chelsea's family vacation to Disneyland back in May. Linds was going and they begged me to join as well. I was hesitant because my summer 16 load semester of school was fresh. I didn't let that hold me back and I joined them. Boy am I glad I did.
Above was us girls enjoying a movie while the boys went to a baseball game. Sarah of course slept peacefully on mom, good thing since it was Bridesmaids.

Ikie boy and I.
Keat and myself.
It really is magical there.

We tried to have Ashley come but it didn't work. She really was missed.
Sarah was so fun to watch!

This was my new favorite ride, Toy Story.

This is my favorite picture.
Ike=scared to death.
Me=sick to death or maybe asleep?
Chels=pure hilarious.
Keat=about to puke?
Linds=simply having a good time as usual.

My all time favorite ride-Splash Mountain!

Tower of Terror!
Once I got back home I was having Sarah withdrawals. I'm lucky to be so close to my sisters/family. I see Sarah a number of times a week. She calls Rodger "RaRa" and myself "NieNie"
I'm so glad I decided to go. I had such a good time. Love you all.
This here boy has been working so hard this summer. He has had his busiest year yet AND best! I received this picture while at work when he found out he sold a new build job that included a vacation voucher for the Realtor. We are pretty excited.
Thanks to Gabrielle pushing me to purchase these bad boys. We have had a number of good rolls during these summer days.
I threw Gabrielle a Wedding Shower the week before the big day. It was fun to get together as girls. We played a game that I personalized for Gabs.
So happy for her and Cole.
The 4th of July was a success, as always.
Love having Lindsey back home.
Kaysville Fireworks
Eaglewood Fireworks
Centerville/Bountiful Fireworks
Gabrielle's Wedding Dinner/Rehearsal the night before.
The big day-7-9-11.
I was the Maid of Honor and got to put on the garter....lucky me!
Rodger was lucky enough to get two girls on his side. He looks ADORABLE. I love the hands in the pocket serious face.
I got the privilege to walk down with Cole's brother, Dalton. We were the Best Man and Maid of Honor.
As soon as he said, "You May Now Kiss the Bride" the thunder rolled. It was beautiful.

Love this picture!
We danced the night away-rain included. It was so much fun.
I had to give a speech. Me and my stupid shaky voice. The thing that bothers me most, I wasn't even nervous!
Love you Gabs, congrats, you looked stunning.
Rodgie's birthday landed on a Tuesday this year. I had class that morning and got out at noon. We packed up and headed to Seven Peaks!

Cole & Gabs joined us as well. This is when we gave them their wedding present-our typical money tree!
I'm ready to hit the pavement.
We rollerbladed from Layton to Lagoon on a Saturday.
Joe, Chels, myself, and Rodger were in a Couples Golf League at Lakeside in Bountiful Sunday nights. It was a lot of fun, I just need to get better!
Rodger very kindly joined me at a Deseret Star performance. I had to go for school. It was a fun new treat, but definitely cheesy.
Sarah and I enjoying a slide.
Over July 24th weekend we went to Lava Hot Springs in Idaho with Cole and Gabs.

We had a lot of fun!
The beginning of August we FINALLY got together as friends for dinner.
It was so good to see everyone and we missed those that couldn't make it.
While Rodger was out celebrating with Joey's for his bachelor party I was the third wheel with Cole and Gabs.
We went up to Park City on the Harley's for the Arts Festival. The ride home was super cold, Cole was a kind gentleman and wrapped my feet up with handkerchiefs.

We put a new deck on our house and have enjoyed it much. Here are Caroline and Ava taking a look at the goats.
Rodger, Jeff, Kyler, and I feeding the goats. It's fun to have them in our backyard. My favorite is when they wrestle each other. It's quite comical.
Here we are at Joey and Amanda's beautiful wedding. Rodger was a groomsman and looked oh so delicious.
Lagoon day with the twins and my dad!
Nap time with sweet Kyler.
We attended a few concerts this summer. Our first was David Gray-love love love him.
We also went to Death Cab for Cutie-they are a delight as well.
We took another rollerblading/longboarding adventure from Layton to Farmington again. This time we went to see a scary movie at the new Farmington Station Theater. We got out of the show at 12:00 A.M. The boys were hoping us girls were going to be terrified to rollerblade back in the dark. It was actually one of the highlights of my summer. It started to thunder and lighting which would light up the whole sky-it was beautiful. And then we got poured on....but still so much fun.
We went to Lake Powell over Labor Day with Braden and Chelsea and 8 other people we had never met. We were nervous going into it because we camped for 4 nights and were going to be with strangers for 5 days. It was actually a really fun time and we all go together great-except for a few mishaps.
As you can see above, I wrote in the sand wall-TAKEN. Meaning this spot was taken. Haha, creepy I know.
I have not been there since I was 11. It is beautiful and I would love to make it a yearly thing.
Love this picture-my hair is getting long:)
I love camping with my babes. We were dying of laughter the first night because we were literally sweating to death. We ended up sleeping out on the boat-rough but fun night.
My birthday this year was good. My family met for lunch at Faustina's. Love that place-especially the little dessert that comes with every meal.
I can't get enough of Sarah, have I said that before?
I just love this boy.
I also love my family. They mean the world to me.
Sweet Lindsey and my kind mother came over later that night to help with a project I decided to tackle. I am making my own headboard for our bedroom. We recently made the switch to a new mattress and decided to go with a King. Best decision ever. Since we did this, we needed a whole new bedroom set.
Love my mom-thanks for your help-I don't know what I would do without you.

Don't I look happy? This was at Ashley's 1st of many baby showers. It was this past Saturday at Aunt Jacki's.
Look at this quilt my mom made for new Charley. Impressive.
It hasn't quite hit me yet that Ashley is pregnant-well not all the way. I think it's because I am older and to see your younger sister pregnant is mind blowing. I couldn't be more happy for her. I cannot wait to meet Charley Pooh. Doesn't she look great?All the sisters
There you have it-an update!
I promise I am going to do MUCH better, I love myself when I stay caught up.


Chelsea Covington said...

Wow! That was quite the post. I want to make fun if you for being so behind, but I don't even have a blog! Very cute. Those pics of when Linds came home and surprised us are my favorite. And the one of Keat that looks like he weighs 403lbs. Haha.

Linds said...

Oh good gads, where to begin??! How bout where I come in! Thanks so much for keeping my secret and helping me surprise everyone, it was some good times! The rest of the post was fantastic, makes me want to update mine!

Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

So glad you posted! About time! ;) I thought it was cute how the twins had such different bikes, and then I looked at how different they were dressed from each other and laughed. Super cute. You seem like so much fun to have around! We should hang out :)

Joan said...

Wow!!! I love you too when you get caught up on your blog. I'm next. I can't even think of which was my favorite. You looked absolutely beautiful at Gab's wedding. Can't wait for the head board to be done! Loves!

Jacki said...

Way to get caught up! Great Post!!!