Wednesday, April 14, 2010

St. Georgie

We were off for a long weekend in St. George. It was a great break from our everyday routine. The sun felt soooooo nice!
I knew the trip was going to be great, because at work, I received these beauties from my Rodger. The note said, "Happy Vacation day!" How thoughtful and cute is this? He received a phone call soon after asking why did he do this? His response. You suck at road trips so I wanted to start it off right.
As you can see, I tried to be pleasant in the car.

Take note: I drove aaaaalllll the way home and what was Rodger doing.....sleeping!

We stayed with Cole and Gabs for 2 nights. We were very thankful for this and we had a blast with them. We did a lot of eating at yummy places, the boys went golfing while us girls went to the movie, The Last Song, loved it! We did some shopping, a GREAT trip to Mesquite for some game playing and just hanging out. It was so nice.

And of course we went shooting.

Ready to hunt some Rabbits?
Don't look too closely.
These are called Chizlers (?) Nasty little things.
We only got one rabbit. The boys boxed him up and shot him down. Good job Boys!
We went to Cole's Soccer game. That was a fun, yet cold, night.

The last 2 nights we stayed with Scott, Holly, and Jamie in Mesquite. The real reason we were heading down here was to see Jamie in her Dance Competition. I didn't have my camera with me during that, but that girl can dance. She has quite the spice and attitude, she is so cute!
We enjoyed the pool at our hotel. That water was so very cold. Rodger dared me to get all the way in the pool, to my shoulders. And I did it, can you believe that?! Mind over matter, totally works.
The last day before we headed out we did some golfing. It was at my favorite place, Oasis.

Pictures in the Golf Cart make for the best

See I told ya so:)
This was us 4 years ago in 2006. We were so cute.

These little things were all over the Golf Course. We were feeding them our chips.
Do you see why I love this place? This course is so beautiful.
Rodger wasn't having the best game, but you just wait and see what happens in a few:)

Scott, Holly, and Jamie
Look at that view. Beautiful.
Same spot 4 years ago. I was telling Scott how to use my camera, don't make fun. you see this picture?! My Rodger got a hole in one!!!
And here is the proof.
The view of Hole #9. The distance was 155 yards.
His plaque from the Golf Course should be arriving soon. I'm so proud of him!
As I was running and screaming to congratulate him on his fantastic job, I came back to our cart and the the squirrels were eating Rodger's hot dog.
My kiss because I was so proud!
He has never seen a "1" next to his score.
As you may notice, my name is on the list, but I don't play golf. I wish I did. I always add myself to the score pad and I get one less score than Rodger because I'm cool like that. It's our fun little game:)
Jamie and I were having a blast together while they were putting. We would sit on the hill and take lots of pictures. Enjoy!

I can't explain how hard we were laughing when we saw this picture. It was our "serious" pose. We couldn't stop laughing.
And then Jamie "fluffed" and that made things even worse:)

She is such a cute girl.
We had so much fun on our getaway trip. We can't wait for the weather to get better up here. I miss the sun so much.


Mike and Abbie said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! We need to plan our little get-away soon :)

Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

Jealous! I was looking at that golf score and thinking, man she did better then her husband and she's not even saying anything about it! haha specially when you got a hole in one when he did too. Maybe i'll start doing that too haha

Joan said...

I had to laugh from your comment of, how nice it was to get away! Don't you guys do that about every other weekend?! That is so exciting about Rodger's hole in one! (yours too!) Very fun!

Jacki said...

You are both so cute!!!!

Jessica said...

Wow, I guess I was way behind on your blog, but I just got caught up. You guys do so much fun stuff! Good for you. Your trip looked like a blast. Congrats to Rodge on the hole in one, and I am glad you were there to see it, I bet that was exciting. I love the "pomegranate berry" face that Rodger is pulling...classic! I also love all of the pictures of you guys from a few years ago, you both look so dang young. We totally need to game it up asap!

sarah baldwin said...

you guys make everything look fun! you are too cute.

Mindi said...

I love love love your hair! and all your fun pictures :)