Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy 25 Buttons

Buttons turned 25 years old on May 21st! I hope she had the best day ever.
We had her Birthday Dinner on Wednesday a few days before. Here she is with the love of her life, Joe.

Rodgie and I with little Sarah Poo.
The rest of the gang.
Us girls having our "girl time" while the boys were out playing basketball.
Sarah was listening so intently to Ashley reading to her. She really is such a doll. Look at those eyes. I'm pretty sure Sar was Chelsea's best Birthday gift.
My first gift to Buttons. A Gifty Card to her favorite store, Target. Notice the "Button."
And my second gift. Thanks to Angela who saw this idea on a painting and I incorporated it into my own crafty work. I'm very pleased with the results.
Don't ask me when or why or how we started calling each other Buttons and Butts. No certain name is set on who is called what, we use both names and have for many many years and it still sticks today.

She says it was one of her most favorite gifts. That makes a sister proud:)
On Chels' actual Bday we went to lunch at Cafe Rio. Later she got a break from Sarah, thanks to my mom, and went out with Joe.
I hope you had a great day! I love you.


Chelsea Covington said...

Thanks Buttons! :) I really did love my gift. So sentimental and adorable all rolled into one! Love you too.

Joan said...

It was a great day!

Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

You two look good with a baby! Hint Hint

Thats a really sweet gift! How creative!

Ben and Lindsay said...

that is a darling gift! i love it, i want to be more crafy!