Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Visit To CA

We thought it would be a very nice surprise to go visit Cindy and Randy for a long weekend over Mother's Day. They live in Discovery Bay, California. It is about an hour from San Francisco. It reminds me of Eden, Utah. You go through a valley of hills to get to the cozy little place. They have what is called The Delta (a lake) with homes that back up to it. It really is quite dreamy. I can see why they love it there. We left on Wednesday May 5th and came home Mother's Day night. If you remember, we were here last year after Jeff and Amber's Wedding. At this time, they were living in his Yacht. That was a pretty neat experience.
Check out their palace. They live on hole #10 of a Golf Course. You can only imagine what we did most of the weekend.
Here is their lovely pool that I enjoyed a number of times by myself. The first day we got there, I wasn't feeling well at all. I woke up with a bad stomach ache, I thought I was going to die. I hate flying and I get pretty motion sick and so you can only imagine how awful the flight there was. I wanted to die. At least I have a very caring husband who rubbed my back to soothe me into sleep.
When we first arrived at their home, golf was first on the list. I stayed home and made friends with their toilet and new dog, Jaxon. Don't worry, the next day I was feeling well enough to move around, although the tummy ache lasted pretty much all weekend.
Here is little Jaxon. He warmed up to me right away. It took him until the end of the trip to like Rodger.
After their first 9 holes, with many more to come!
On Thursday we went to the San Francisco Zoo. It was windy in Discovery Bay, so this made a perfect day in the City. We were lucky enough to have nice weather here.
Myself, Rodg, Justin, RJ (Randy's boys), and Randy.

The monkey's were my favorite.
Stop looking at me, Swan.
I enjoyed this "be quiet" sign:)
I love it when they call me Big Papa. He was huge!!
...And she's just pondering...

Their train ride was awful. You went around a very small circle 3 times in a row. They obviously think we'll see something different the 2nd or 3rd time....nope. It was a big waste of $4 each.
Cute little thing.
The rest of our vacation consisted of golf! I didn't mind at all. I actually enjoyed it. I would walk most of the course (I was trying to get in my steps for my work contest). Walking made it much more enjoyable.
We also went to a few parties with their friends, ate yummy food, and played lots of Yahtzee.
Cindy loves to golf. Rodger is lucky to have a mother who loves it as much as he does.
I even took a few whacks at it. I think I want to sign up for lessons. I believe I would really enjoy it. I mean, I am my Father's Daughter.

I'm soooo soooo sorry babe. I had to do it. This is Rodger's "Pomegranate Berry Face". It gets me every time.

My husband's so hot right now.
The weather was so lovely. High 70's everyday.
Except for Sunday, it was a little chilly. This is what I do when my feeties are cold. They are the covers for drivers:)

We had such a good time! Thank you, thank you, and thank you Randy & Cindy! Happy Mother's Day to Cindy, My Mom, and Holly. We love you all so very much!

Favorites of each:
Cindy-Oh so caring
My Mom-Her cooking
Holly-Her laugh

We had a very special surprise when we got home Sunday night. While we were gone, our kitchen was getting a makeover. We walked into the house with our backs towards our kitchen. These are our faces moments before we turned around. We were soooo nervous and excited to see how it turned out.
You just wait until you see the pictures. Night and day. I am in love.


Joan said...

What a nice place! Looks like a great trip. The pool was gorgeous! I love your posts!

Ben and Lindsay said...

how fun! I want a vacation! I will take lessons with you (golf) I watch people golf all day and I think it could be fun! also I want to see this kitchen..I am sure it looks great! so excited to see you next week! seriously i might pee my pants! love you

Jessica said...

Wow, if I had that pool in my backyard I would never get out of it. So beautiful. Glad you guys had fun, even more glad you posted the pomegranate berry face picture...classic.