Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

We had a good Father's Day. We got a sub for our Primary Class so we could spend the day with our fathers. We started off with going over to Rodger's parents and brought lunch for everyone. I held Tristan Bear while we all watched Golf. We later went on a motorcycle ride to the park and played the card game "Golf" on a blanket. I love playing games on blankets in the summer. I can't tell you how many times I have asked Rodger if he will go outside with me in our backyard to play. We still have yet to do that this season, but it will happen. Anyways, afterwards I came home to scramble to make a casserole and we headed over to my dads. My grandparents were there, all my sisters with their families, and Angela and the twins. We had a yummy dinner, watched golf, and went to the park. We hope our father's had a good day. We love them very much.
Our Favorites About them:
My Dad, Brad-Sense of humor and that I get to work with him.
Rodger's Dad, Scott-Golf Partner and loves to play games.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Isn't that a fun day. I did send a text to Rodger wishing him a Happy Father's day to him in the future!