Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Holidays

Our holiday's were busy, as always.  This was the first time in a couple of years that we weren't on a vacation the week or two before Christmas.  It was nice to be home and to not miss any parties.
We put lights up for our first time in this house.  I loved our "Grinch" looking lights.
Sweet Rodger did a great job putting them up.
I had a crafty itch this holiday season.  Chelsea and I made these cute magnetics for our neighbors and coworkers.  They are cloth pins, decorated with ribbon and then buttons and other cute crafts.  You then put a magnetic on the back and the cloth pins holds pictures, cards, paper, etc.  They were a hit.

I also made a few of these simple things for Rodger's grandma, my mom, and Holly.  They hang on the wall; buttons on canvas with ribbon to hold.  Nothing great, in fact Chelsea got all the supplies and never finished her projects because she thought they were ugly.  Haha.  Its the thought that counts.
I was extra busy helping my dad with gifts for his clients.  I had to document all my work.
I made these cozy blankets for Rodger's mom, Cole & Gabs, and my boss.  The Christmas before Rodger and I got married, I made him one of these.  It is our favorite blanket.
I was on a gift basket train this Christmas season as well.  We gave out a number of gift baskets.  They were extra fun.
In December we had a HUGE wind storm.  We lost most of our roof and had to get it replaced.  Here I am out with the goats in the field picking up our roof pieces.

Here we are at The Fullmer's creating gingerbread houses.

Temple Square with Cindy.

Because my dad rocks and rolls we went to a few Jazz Games in December and had 4 tickets.  We invited a few friends each time.

Annual Christmas Eve Eve Party with my mom's family at her house.

For the first time in many, many years we did a Nativity scene.
Christmas Day at my mom's

I love my family, even odd Lindsey.

I had to throw this in there, Rodger hates Anne, but he secretly loves her.
Our home filled with gifts to give, Rodger and I LOVE to give gifts rather than receive.

Our Christmas morning, just the two of us.

We are pretty cute with each other.
Christmas was great this year, as always.  We are very blessed and thankful for all that we have.

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