Thursday, March 13, 2008

Honeymoon Pictures

I know it's been about a month, but we've been busy. We also have no internet in our house, so that makes it hard. We went to Cancun, Mexico and had a blast. Here are a few pictures and little description about our fun adventure. Hope you enjoy!

This was in our Hotel Room before going to dinner at a really good Mexican Restaurant

This was us before we went swimming with the dolphins. Behind us you can kinda see the place where it all happen.

This was an awesome slide at Wet N' Wild. You come shooting out of a slide and slide around this funnel until you drop in 10 feet of water.

This was us at Wet 'N Wild. I loved it.

This was a clay sculpture we got of us. It's a pretty funny looking thing but we thought would be extremely fun to have!


Jessica said...

It looks like you guys had fun!

Jacki said...

Cute baby! And cute couple!!! Love you guys!