Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big Girls Don't Cry

I know she'll hate this picture, you can tell it was taken a couple of years ago. I'm at work on my dads old computer and that's the only picture he had. Don't worry I'm bored at work or else I would be working and not doing personal things :)

My younger sister Ashley is moving away to College. What a big girl, who does cry, and I'm sure we'll see tears tonight. She is going to UVU in Orem. She's moving in with 4 girls she already knows and is pretty close with and that leaves 2 other girls who she'll meet. That's a total of 7 18-19 year old girls living in one apartment together. What a crazy, messy, emotional, hyper, girly place that will be. She is going to school part time and working part/full time depending on her schedule. She works at Zions Bank and is called "Peak Time". I used to do this same thing. It's where you go from branch to branch depending on who needs you that day. She's been doing it here up North for a few months and has loved it. She now is finally balancing. She had problems with that when she first started.
I am going to miss her. Growing up we didn't get a long too much. She would call me Pirate Eye and I would call her Daffy Duck. I had to wear a patch because of my Amblyopia and she had a speech problem. We always would fight and call each other mean names. But truly deep down inside I'm jealous of her. She's pretty perfect. She has great style, I wish I could wear the clothes she wears, she has great hair and can do it very well, she's skinny (with a slight bulge of some hips), pretty smile, and my favorite thing is everytime you leave the house or saying goodbye on the phone Ashley ALWAYS without fail says, "Love you goodbye". I regret not saying it back everytime and Ash, if your reading this, from now on I will.
She's excited and nervous at the same time. She'll miss precious Cole and of course her family. She claims she'll be coming home every weekend to do laundry and to get meals from my mom but that will probably only last so long.
I LOVE YOU ASHLEY and you'll have a GREAT time being on your own. It was funny last week I went to my moms and on the counter was a list of what she needed to bring, etc. It also listed what she needed to buy: a laptop, more "cute" clothes, groceries, a printer, things like that. Below it she wrote something like "Moving out is going to be expensive...geez." It made me laugh. She'll grow from it, love it, hate it, and maybe will even be married in a year. You know how Provo is. Good luck Ash! No more crying, you're now a big girl.


Jessica said...

Good luck indeed. She is going to love it. Moving out is hard but once you get past the first few days of missing your family it is totally a blast.

Darla said...

Wow! I can't believe how old you are all getting. One bit of advice for Ashley (I can only say this because I WISH I'd done it). Try as hard as you can to get as much school done as possible...before you're married and having kids (it's so much harder then). Good luck!!