Two weekends ago we went to St. George to visit our friends, Cole & Gabrielle. It was Gab's birthday that weekend. We stayed with them and had a lot of fun. I would have to say our biggest highlight was Bunny Shooting. Don't you worry, they are ugly looking things, and really don't need to live. Lets be honest, Cole didn't think there would be a chance that I would take one down and boy did I prove him wrong! I shot him down with a 22. Even though I come from a family of girls....I've got some toughness in me:)
Look at that creature. They make me laugh.
Me, Rodger, Gabs, Cole, and James.
Thanks for the great weekend. We can't wait for the CRUISE!
Other News:
We close on our house this week and move into a new. We are excited and sad. It's our first home so it will probably always stick with us, especially because of the story behind getting the home. But we are ready for the change and the new home. We move this weekend. So I'm sure you can guess what we have been up to, packing! It hasn't been too bad, expect everything has to be perfect because of me. Pictures/details to follow, but give me time:)
Happy Halloween!