Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend Highlights

We had a lovely weekend. It started off with Friday night. We went to dinner at The Gateway with Michael and Abbie and then went and saw Couples Retreat. What a treat it was, we all really enjoyed the movie.

Saturday morning we went to breakfast with my dad, Chels, Caroline, and Ava. Chelsea brought pictures of her baby growing inside her. It was cute to see the girls reaction to the pictures, "Where is the baby?" I can't begin to imagine what what going through their heads. Anyways, we had wonderful conversation and a delicious meal. Afterwards Rodger and I had a Couples Massage. It was a Couples Weekend! Ha, anyways it was delightful. It was both of our 2nd professional massage and our first time doing it together. We loved it. I wish we could do this once a month. We will probably have to do it every so often though. It was much needed, especially for Rodger. The lady said he has soooooooo many knots it his back, poor thing stresses too much. He is working on that. I, on the other hand, hardly ever stress, I consider it a gift. Rodger definitely makes up for the 2 of us in that area. We then went to my twin cousins baptisms. It was fun to see family and participate in that. They are silly boys with quite the personalities! We then went home for some "Me time" and Rodger played nintendo while I took a nap. Afterwards we had the lovely opportunity to GET to watch the twins. When I asked my dad if we were still on to watch them, I believe I said do we HAVE to watch them? He didn't like the way I put that question. I don't think he realizes how much we LOVE to watch these two little sweethearts. Lindsey and Landon joined us and we went to my favorite, don't make fun, Pepperbelly's Resturant. Afterwards, when we dropped the girls back off to their parents, we went to "Scary Hill" I believe this is now our 3rd time going this season. We have become avid about minature golfing and let me just say, Rodger and I win everytime! Linds and Landon have to buy us treats at Chevron because of our major skills (or should I say Rodger's).

Sunday was a relaxing day as usual. Nursery was great at church. We only have 1 more time left before we are out of the ward, it will be sad. We will miss many but we are excited for our new adventure!

Oh.....may I not forget:) The news about the sex of Baby Covington is:
It's A Girl!
Buttons doesn't like the normal PINK for girls. Her room will consist of mostly PURPLE, her favorite color.


Ben and Lindsay said...

how exciting a girl!! congrats to them!
And I went to pepperbellys the other day, i cannot resist the strawberry salad!

Chris and Brooklyn said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I am glad you gave feed back on the movie because Chris and I are going to see it and I haven't heard anything about it yet, Can't wait now!! But how can you go wrong with Vince Vaughn. I am so jealous of your massages! Lucky!