Friday, March 5, 2010

Sarah....Where Are You?!

Don't they all look adorable?
Buttons is patiently waiting for Sarah to come. Her due date is Monday March 8th. She is scheduled to be induced Wednesday March 10th, if she doesn't have the little thing by then. Keaton wants her to come today. This is a special day for their little family because it has been 1 year since the boys moved back to Utah full time. What a great day for her to come!
Joe leaves out of town next Saturday. Therefore, Sarah it's time! You need to have some daddy time your first few days here. I told Chelsea if I didn't have plans tonight I would come steal her away and we would walk and walk and walk. Some other things I've looked up to make labor come are:
-Mexican Food (I told her to go to El Matador tonight)
-Breast Stimulation (Haha)
-Walk, walk, and walk some more
Sarah will come when its the right time. Let's just all pray it'll be this weekend.
I can't wait to see her beautiful little face. It will be a glorious day.


Chelsea Covington said...

Thanks Cort, fingers crossed!

Ben and Lindsay said...

oh poor thing! I hope the baby comes soon! How exciting a baby in the family!

Joan said...

Yes I mentioned the "S" word to them and Joey said that's the last thing he needs to be picturing in his head, the whole family/friends encouraging him to do it. So hilarious! Chels and I went for a walk last night and for her little size she can speed walk! Unfortunately she said the only thing she could feel was her butt and legs and possibly shin splints! Crossing my fingers too!

Jessica said...

Tell her to go on a waterslide. That's what did it for me with Eden!

Can't froggin' wait to meet Sarah!!!