Monday, August 16, 2010


It was a beautiful day for a Wedding!
They got married at The Salt Lake Temple @ 9:40 a.m.
Ike patiently awaiting for Dave and Ashley to come out. Trying to be cool
Sarah who just woke up from her nappy! She was sporting her bling bling Binky.

She loves Rodger's kisses.
Of course, the fist pump!
Her dress was gorgeous.
The Happy Couple. Ashley honestly looked stunning. She was a Beautiful Bride.
Ashley and Dad
Best Friends....for the most part.
My mom and all her sisters. The original "sisters"
Ashley is a little stick figure.
All the Girl Cousins
Left to Right: Mindi, Alicia, Ellynn, Jessica, Ashley, Chantell, Chelsea, Monica, Me, Meagan, and Lindsey
The Sisters
The Sisters with their parentsTrying to get ready for the picture
The twins seeing Ashley for the 1st time as a bride at the luncheon.
The luncheon was at The Wight House in Bountiful.
Ava and Dave

My dad saying his speech.
My mom saying her speech. They both did a wonderful job. We were lucky enough to get to do a Sibling Speech. We were not thrilled at all to do this. It is tradition in Dave's family and we had to follow. Since Ashley is such a Material Girl we had a purse full of items most women have in their purse. The little girls pulled out the items and attached to them was a story that related to the object. We took turns reading them.
Chelsea is holding Menstrual Relief Pills and mentioned how Ashley is the most sensitive and always has been. Our presentation went well. We got laughs and embarrassed Ashley, mission accomplished:)
The result of Dave's Sibling Speech. He loved the attention.
Sarah with her Daddy. She is getting so big!

The Reception was up in Eden, Utah. It was at my Dad's Clubhouse in his neighborhood. It was a beautiful evening, the view was gorgeous.
Ashley with her Bridesmaids.
3 Sisters
3 of Dave's Sisters
3 of her Best Friends
Dave with all the girls.
I truly enjoy this picture. This was us "dancing"
Caroline is Anti-pictures. This just recently happened. We did the best we could.

Chels, Linds, and I painted our nails the same color.
Sarah loves Grandma!
Chels and half her family. The boys couldn't make it. Keaton was at Scout Camp and Isaac was at Football Tryouts. We missed them!
My Little Family. Ava wanted to be apart of our picture, we'll take her any day!
They served Waffles, fresh fruit, chocolate sauce, whip cream, nuts, and ice cream. It was delish! The cake was adorable too.
Chelsea, Sarah Sue #2, Myself, Rodger, and Sarah #1. Sarah came all the way from Missouri. Her and Ashley were best friends growing up. It was so good to see her.
The cake result. Dave won.
And the Highlight of the Day............
The bride went in the pool! Wedding dress and all. First, all of the groomsmen jumped in, then the bridesmaids, then my aunt and lots of cousins, along with others. It was a Party! As I was standing down by the pool, I see Dave running with his bride in his arms and she is covering her face. My heart sank. I run in front of them, grab Dave's arm, "Dave, her dress!" and he didn't even flinch. Next thing you know, they are in the pool.
The next thing I see, my father storming to the pool. I run to his side.
Here Dave is probably thinking,

"Oh, someone is helping me out of the pool. I have loved my wedding, best day of my life!"

NOPE! It was my father, grabbing his arm to say some words, while I am grabbing my dads arm telling him to back off, it's their wedding day...let it go.

(Yes, my hair looks grey, we'll blame it on the flash of the camera.)

Wow, what an event. My dad wasn't aware that Ashley agreed and wanted to get in the pool. When she found out my Aunt Jacki jumped in, she's like "I want to go" and that's when Dave picked her up and away they went. If only father knew this before hand, he may have been in the pool happily with them:)
It was a great Wedding. One that will be remembered forever.
Congrats Dave & Ashley. I love you!
*They just got back Monday night from their Cruise. Ashley says she has never eaten so much or slept so much (or so she says).....
P.S. Lindsey caught the bouquet. Oh boy...


Mindi said...

I love all the pictures you got! Especially the pool shots (and it is great you posted the "real" story). That was so much fun, I've never been to a more exciting reception :). I wish we could have spent more time with you and Rodger. Thank you for the tour of your house! I keep thinking about all your colors and decorations and making plans for our next dream house :)

Jessica said...

Great post Cort with great pictures! Loved the wedding day, it was so memorable...especially the pool!

Joan said...

I agree with Mindi, I love the true story! It was an amazing day. Thanks to all who were there.

Corrianne said...

That wedding was beautiful! Ashley looked so gorgeous and happy! I wish we would have stayed longer for the pool incident! Love the story though! Your dad was being such a sweetie to protect his daughter!!!

Angie Williams said...

What a GORGEOUS wedding! She's so beautiful, and I just love all of the details. My sister is getting married soon, so it's kind of fun to see what people do nowadays! I would totally do my wedding so different if I could go back :) haha.

Jacki said...

Great job on the blog. Your pictures are beautiful. I should post a picture of the dress now! It did wash up well, just needs to be ironed. Fun, Fun Day!!! Love you

The Rasmussens said...

It was fun to be able to go to the ceremony. Sounds like an interesting episode at the reception haha. I can't believe she went in with her dress!!! I never would've in a million years! Looks like they had fun though!