Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dumb Blonde

Going back to my blonde hair has really had an effect on me. At work we are doing a Water Challenge. You must try to get 6, 8 ounces of water in a day, 8 is recommended. When I heard this, I thought, well that's easy, all I drink is water. It's true, I love water and it's really all I drink. I have been using an Arrowhead Water Bottle that I have kept re-filling for a couple of weeks. I got it one night after one of our Softball games and I love the cap part you drink out of. Pictured below.

So I have continued using it and on Monday our Challenge began. In fine print it says 700 mL (1 PT, 7.7 FL OZ). Me, who overlooked the other numbers, only took to heart the 7.7 FL OZ part. So I thought, OK, I have to drink at least 8 and a half of these and I will get about 8, 8 ounces a day since it wasn't quite 8 ounces, it was 7.7 ounces. Seems simple, right?

At dinner at our usual T Cubed (Taco Time Tuesday) I was telling my mom, sisters, and Rodger that I was dying! It had only been a day and a half and I felt so bloated. I was going to the bathroom sooo much and no one at work was really complaining. I was just thinking they were all cheaters. Come to find out, they helped me realized how many ounces I was really consuming. Don't worry it was only 188.8 ounces in one day when we had to get only 48, but 64 ounces is recommended. No wonder I felt like if you were to punch my stomach I would throw up only water!

Also no wonder on Monday I didn't get hungry until 2:00 pm for lunch and I gained about 3 pounds.

Welp, I'm pretty much covered for about 3 days.

I knew this Challenge would be easy.

I guess it's a good thing I'm back to blonde, it suits me better.

1 comment:

Joan said...

I can't stop laughing!