Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

We had some friends over last night.  Rodger made his famous pasta that is delicious. My cute little chef!  We then made gingerbread houses.  We bought the kits and it's much easier and lots of fun. 
Our Gingerbread house
"J" for Jessop of course
Here we are in front of our tree
This is Rodger's good friend Braden. It was his first date with Mallory. She is a Jazz dancer. A little FYI, the Jazz Bear is a guy, I've always believed it was a girl.  She's also met Paul Millsap, my all time favorite.  She said he wasn't very nice, that doesn't change it for me:)
I babysat the girls Friday morning before work. This is me and Ava. I love her.
Caroline's a silly girl.  I love her as well.


Jen and Jason said...

Cute gingerbread house. Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun in your house for your first married Christmas.

Ben and Lindsay said...

the kits turn out super cute! I love the J :-)! too bad that we couldn't do gingerbread houses this year! Have fun in Mexico! Lucky's!