Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Continues

We went to my mom's on Friday after Christmas for lunch.  Here is Annie excited for me to be there:)
Linds, (Landon not really seen) Keat, Mom, Chels, and Isaac.
Rodger and I in front of my moms lovely tree.
Left to Right: Annie, Linds, Rodg, Me, Ash, Mom, Chels, Joe, Keat and Ike in the front.
Rodger after he finished putting together the game we planned.  My dads whole extended family came up to Eden on Saturday.  The game is called Santa's Balls.  You get prizes (All A Dollar is the best option to buy the prizes) and you just wrapped them all up with grocery bags, boxing tape and shrink wrap.  Everyone forms a circle and you have 2 sets of dice going and whoever gets doubles goes into the middle and starts tearing the ball apart.  Until someone else comes with doubles you get to keep whatever you got unwrapped.  Everyone loved it.
Rodger and I excited to play the game.
Rodger explaining the game to everyone
The girls opening their gifts
Top Row-Left to Right: Joe, Chels, Me, Rodger, Dad, Angela
Bottom Row-Keat, Ike, Caroline, Linds, Ava, Ashley.
Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Darla said...

What a fun idea for a game! We'll have to do that sometime. Cute pics. Beautiful girls, beautiful guys...what a fam! (: