Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just A Whole Lot Of Nothing

*I made a sweet, I mean sweet hit last night in Softball (line drive over 3rd base)
*I love my husband
*Someone in my office has the Swine Flu.
*I can't wait for the 4th of July.
*I've been into Yoga a lot lately, I love it and I feel so free & healthy:)
*Rodger bought a YoYo the other day and he can't stop doing tricks.  Silly boy.
*I love Summer
*My flowers are adorable
*I have a great job and I truly enjoy it a lot.
*My house is always clean.  So refreshing.
*I love my family
*Ava & Caroline get cuter every time I see them.
*I love to play the drums on Guitar Hero.
*I don't need as much sleep anymore.  I used to always be tired and now I'm not.  It's the Yoga.
*We are really considering getting a dog.
*I wish I could boat/lay out in the sun all day long.
*I can't believe Rodg and I are going to be 22 this year.  We're old.
*I love our calling in church.  The Nursery.
*Rodger really wants to kill the cat that won't stay out of our garage.
*Should I go back to school?
*I love where we live and I love my house.
*I drink healthy smoothies for breakfast and I crave them all day long.
*I've put on 15 pounds since high school.  Rodg says I hide it well.  I think he's just trying to be nice, it works.
*I loved the movie The Proposal.
*I really want to play Water Baseball.
*Rodger plays B-Ball on Monday nights.  It's so fun to watch.
*Redbox is just great.
*I love my commute to and from work.  Turn up my music, sing along, & think.
*I made dinner last night and finally halfway through eating Rodg said he didn't like it.
*I made my yummy cup cakes again today for father's birthday tomorrow.
*I need a "Yummy Mix" everyday.  (Bare back fingernail tickling by Rodger).
*I really want to go Rollerblading.
*I love my cubicle at work.  I know I'm weird.
*I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do want to learn to golf.
*I'm so proud of my hard working boy, he's doing great!
*I want to go on the shark slide.
Ok, the end.


Chris and Brooklyn said...

I'm glad you liked the Proposal, I'm going to it this weekend! That was fun to read! Glad that you can be so happy, that is so great! You forgot one thing..Your visiting teachers stink!!!

Jacki said...

You are so stinking cute!!! Love You!!!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh Cort...that was hilarious. You are so funny! We've got a cat bothering us right now too. I would love to go to Yoga with you as soon as I get this baby out. Don't forget your last incident with a new dog. Any I think "yummy mix" is the funniest thing ever, I am going to tell Tony I need one tonight!

Ben and Lindsay said...

Ha I love you! I enjoyed reading that. It made me giggle about the cat! And I love the Shark Slide one, top 10 list?!! tehe!

Joan said...

You are hilarious. I'm so glad that you find happiness in the smallest things. I can't believe you didn't have camping on your list?! We're going! I couldn't be happier for you and Rodger. Remember you said you'd go to Yoga this Saturday! :) Love you! Mom

sarah baldwin said...

cortney... I LOVE YOU!!!! you are so freakin cute.
-sunrider is helping you not be tired too. don't forget your fortune delight!
-i love redbox too.
-yes you should go back to school.
-your flowers are adorable... and your flag!
-we love having you in the nursery.
-what are your yummy cupcakes?
-so... you're up on drums next time! download some new songs and we'll rock out. i like to sing! sshhh. don't tell.
-you two are NOT OLD!!!!
-don't get a dog. just come play with my kids.
-the power of positive thinking will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!
-you are the cutest happiest girl on the block... i'm glad you're my friend!

Jen and Jason said...

I loved this post! First of all, I know everyone is telling you this but you are not old and when you look back at this post in ten years you are going to wonder what you were thinking. Next, I think everyone should get a dog before they have kids and if you can't handle the dog then you aren't ready for kids (just my opinion). Yes, go back to school now. I am glad we have hand sanitizer all over the office now. If you ever bring cupcakes to work please let me try one. That would be fun to go golfing together sometime. I am so glad you love your life!


Mindi said...

Your house is always clean?! I'm green with envy :)

Darla said...

I too am green, no red, with envy!! And yes, you should go back to school. So should I! And one more thing, 22 is YOUNG!!