Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekend Adventures

Jamie Karin Jessop got baptized Saturday June 6, 2009.
She wanted her big brother to baptize her, so he did.
He was thrilled, I could tell.
I asked her why she wanted Rodger to baptize her, she said, "Because everybody has their dad baptize them, so I wanted to be different."
The family
Off they go.
They both did a great job.
Scott confirmed Jamie.
We're so happy for you and the decision you made.
We love you Jamie!
Afterwards Rodger went and got some dirt from the dump for our yard.  It makes such a huge difference and it looks so good.
Thanks babe, I love it.
We then hung out with my dad, Ava & Caroline.  We went to the park.
Caroline loved her ship, she was the captain.
Ava was playing with a toy car.  She was going to:
The store
A Bee's Game

We then ended the night with a big bath tub full of bubbles.
They were so cute and couldn't stop laughing and putting bubbles on each other.
It was a good weekend.


Joan said...

I can't believe Jamie is eight. I'm glad we came. Rodger did a great job. It seems like we were just at her blessing. Time goes by quick. Nice dirt! It's amazing what it can do. Also cute pictures of the twins. Love you!

Ben and Lindsay said...

I am glad her baptism went great! She looks so cute.
Your hard looks amazing!