Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Little Things

As Rodger and I were having a lazy night and watching "Biggest Loser" (one of our many favorites, in fact, we have too many favorites) he had me laughing soooo very hard. I was laughing for some reason that I can't seem to remember and all the sudden he goes,
"That's it, I know what you look like, you look like a Shark!"
He says when I laugh, my nose gets big and wide and I look like a shark!
Well thanks babe, that's what every girl wants to hear.
A few moments later I have his I-to-the-Phone in my face.
This is what I saw.

In an all serious tone he says, "What are you laughing at, I'm only showing you a mirror."
I was laughing so hard my freaking Abs were killing me. I don't know if it was a mix of rewinding American Idol, seriously 10 times over and over to see Mr. "Holla" again or if I knew deep down inside Rodger is absolutely right. I do kinda look like a Shark.
Welp Rodg Bear, at least I don't look like a big mixture of these!

Oh Rodgie how I love you and our life. The "Little Things" truly are the best.


Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

haha oh my gosh you DO NOT look like a shark! You are TOO cute to look like a shark! Men are so weird about that kinda thing. Dave always called me chubs when I was pregnant.. He's lucky to still be alive. I love those laughing fits though :)

Ben and Lindsay said...

You guys crack me up! You do not look like a shark! I like the combinations for him, ha I am still giggling at you two! Love you tons!
Lets get together sooon

Amanda Lynn and Joseph Michael said...

Haha! Oh my, Joey and Rodger are identical I guess. Because Joe has been informing me I look like a pterodactyl dinosaur. Aren't they the sweetest? How are we so lucky? :)

Angie Williams said...

Haha that's so funny! Gotta love the small things that keep you laughing!