Friday, February 26, 2010

Little Visitors

We are lucky enough to have a great backyard. Our actual yard isn't very big, but it sure seems like it with the Wetlands behind us. It makes for a great view. We've had these little friends for a few months now. I've always felt bad for the poor things suffering through the cold snow, but I guess they are used to it.
They normally have a fence around them by their barn, but just a few days ago that has been removed. They now roam anywhere.
Yesterday they were right up close to our fence line. There are about 10 of them. 7 adults and 3 babies.
Ha, this picture just cracks me right up. Look at his little face.
And here are the little babies.
We have a gate that goes out into this field. Davis County owns the land and they put a lock up on our gate, therefore we can't get out. We're hoping it is just because these friends are currently here. I hope we can have access to it in the Spring/Summer because there is a black gravel trail around the whole area. It would be a great walk/run path.
In the meantime, I've enjoyed looking out my windows to see how they are doing.
The best is when they are fighting:)


Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

haha oh my gosh their adorable!!! Now you should steal one and have it for a pet! :)

Mindi said...

Ohhh, I love goats :) Someday when I have a goat farm you should come visit

Ben and Lindsay said...

ha how cute! I hope they are not mean, I hear they can be mean sometimes! And poor Anners (below post) I hope she is doing ok!

steveandamber said...