Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Process Has Begun!

Our house is under contract as of last night. Our fingers are crossed because something easily can happen and the deal could be over with so quickly. I had mixed emotions while Rodger and I were signing the Acceptance.
A. It was funny because we were laying in bed in our underwear signing the papers away.
B. We were making fun of each others signatures. Rodger said mine looked like a 1st graders and I said Rodger looked like he was trying to be a doctor.
C. It's our first house.
D. We've had a lot of memories in this house and we'll miss it.
Anyways, I don't know if I should: scream, cry, smile, laugh, jump up and down, or curl up in a ball.
But seriously, we are very happy for this new adventure. Even though we love this house and will miss it, we can make a new house our home and we can't wait.
Fingers Crossed!!!


Hahn's said...

Good Luck Girl!!! I bet everything will work out just perfect. Kevin and I just went through this process, very bitter sweet but you will always have those memories of your first home. Good Luck!!!

sarah baldwin said...

i hate you guys... yet still love you. hmm. i'm just sayin :)

Jacki said...

Now where? Hope it goes through and you could always come here! Party!!!! Love You Aunt Jack