Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Parents Test

Rodger and I got a taste of parenthood a few weeks ago. From Wednesday-Saturday we watched the 3 year old sweethearts. It was a mix of emotions, not going to lie. But all in all, they were a treat and we love spending time with them.
Ava and I got some one on one time while Caroline was still napping. She's a doll. She started to get a stuffy nose, this is why she woke up early. "Cortney, I can't breathe." And then she would close her mouth and show me she couldn't. Poor thing.

While waiting for Rodger to get home we entertained ourselves with a number of things. We splashed around outside, played in the playroom, went on long walks, and read some books.

Caroline and I

They are silly and cute

We had a great time. Some of my favorites of the week:
-"Cortney, but I'll miss you when you go to work. Don't go." -says Caroline.
-"Where's Wwwrodger"-says Ava every 2 seconds when I got home. You can tell who she adores.
-"Cortnee, Cortnee, I've got a booger for you."-says Caroline about 3 different times when laying in bed. I would much rather get up 100 times to get these precious gifts then have her wipe them on her cute bedding.
"Ewww Bigs."-says Ava the 2 different times Bigs (the dog) goes potty on her blanket. I wonder what Ava does to deserve such a thing?
-"I'm really not ready for kids."-says Rodger. "I need my ME time." (Especially when he comes home. Before we can do anything, even me asking what he wants for dinner, he needs to sit on the couch and relax for at least 10 minutes)


Chelsea Covington said...

They are the cutest!

Ben and Lindsay said...

ho fun! These girls seriously are the cutest! Thats funny that Rodg said he needed "me" time. you lose that completely with kids! "me" time no longer exists! Thanks again for coming to visit us! love you