Thursday, May 21, 2009

Button, Button, Who's Got A Buttons

I sure do! Oh today is Butts (aka Chels')Birthday! She is 24 and she's an old fart, but I'm right behind her. I just want to say a few things I love about Chelsea and some of the great things we've done in life as sisters and best friends:

I know your eyes are half closed, but you still look cute:)
  • We always used to say the best time in our lives was when I was 2 and she was 4. Simply because it was just Chelsea and I. No Ash and Linds. (I think now we've changed our minds, we love our 2 little sisters)
  • We would dress the same all the time. People thought we were twins.

  • She would support me and wear a patch on her eye too.

  • Our Clubs we came up with. We used to steal my moms Tampon box (and hide it in our club, which would be our closet) and read the instructions and look at the pictures and get so confused. Hilarious. Also the twisty ties you get from Zip Lock Bags, we would use those to rip off every time we went into our club. It was our tally of how much we went to our club. We would also get wrapping paper rolls and peak through the hole to see who was coming. Oh, the good old days where nothing mattered.
  • She would play work with me.  I loved playing work, school, doctor, dentist, etc.  We had some great stores.  I think some of my favorite things we made up was a movie theatre and an airport.  Remember Butts, remember?  So great.
  • The day we came up with the names Butts and Buttons. I couldn't tell you how we did, we just did, and it's stuck with us to this day.

  • Our Troll collection. It was mostly Chelsea's but I loved playing with them too.

  • Our Tree House. It was beautiful. We had an open field in our backyard and one day we found a Tree House. The boys who built it said we could have it. We fixed it up. We spent SO many Summer days at that place. It was awesome. One day we were walking to it and some mean boys had hammers and were tearing it down. We ran home to tell our dad and he came with us and tried to have the boys stop. We were bawling. They wouldn't stop and our dream was demolished. It kinda makes me cry just thinking about it now.

  • We used to sleep together most every night. When we couldn't fall asleep we would play this game. It was called Moving Statues. One person would lay flat and be completely loose. The other would move our body and we would have to guess what they were trying to make us do. Another game would we do was tickle each others backs. Interesting.....I know.

  • The time we were riding our bikes to my friend Abbie's house. Buttons fell and landed in tar. I felt bad but it was hilarious.
  • When we cleaned out our playroom.  It was a great memory.  We made it so neat and clean.  One thing I remember is we found red lipstick and put it on while taking beautiful pictures of ourselves.  I wish I had a copy of one:)
  • The movies we would make.  We would get laughing so hard at making commercials, re-acting TV shows, being News Casters, Weather Women, music videos, etc.  I remember one time in particular it was late at night and we were in the middle of filming a commercial about a toy for children where it makes you jump really high.  We were being too loud.  My dad called down on the intercom and was telling us to be quiet.  Chelsea was yelling back at him, "Dad we're in the middle of a commercial."  She was freaking out.  I need to go dig through our videos and watch that one again, it was hilarious.

  • The many rides together in our Go-Cart. On one particular Sunday we really wanted to go riding in it. My mom finally gave in but said something like, "If you think Jesus would like you to ride it on Sunday, then you can." We were like, "He would, fine." So we went outside and rode it once around the block and pulled right back into our driveway. We were such good girls.
There are a ton of more stories to tell about Buttons, but those are a few of my favorites. We've had some good and bad times. We've been best friends & enemies. I wouldn't change our life together for anything. I love Chels so much and wish you a Happy 24th Birthday.  You deserve it.


Joan said...

I'm glad to hear all the good memories you had. You didn't tell the one of how you and Chelsea would come home from school and not go over and pick up Ash and Linds from across the street when I was at work! Poor things.

Chelsea Covington said...

Wow, those are all quite the memories. Thanks so much, I love you too!

Ju and Brack said...

Happy Birthday Chels!!! Love reading the memories of you 2. You 2 are great.

Mindi said...

That was so fun to read. I hope my girls are as good of friends as you two!

Jessica said...

That was awesome Cort. So funny. I remember a lot of those thing, like the trolls and your clubs. I love the part about the commercial and Chels telling your dad you were in the middle of a commercial. You guys are so funny. I would love to see some of those old videos.

Ben and Lindsay said...

look how cute and thoughtful you are!