Tuesday, May 19, 2009


After the wedding we flew back to California with Cindy and her boyfriend Randy.  They were kind enough to want our company.  It was a lot of fun.  We were there Thursday through Monday.  Currently Randy and Cindy are living on his Yacht.  It's extremely nice.  I'm still kinda rocking today because of being on a boat.  They live in Discovery Bay.  We hung out there for a few days and then sailed on boat to San Francisco.
Can you tell my husband is so sick of pictures?  Memories babe, memories.

Our home for the next few days.
Our circle bed.  I've always wanted to sleep on one of these:)
This is what we woke up to every morning.  Tons of houses against the Delta.
Good morning
This was Rodger freaking out because there was a spider.
Getting ready to jump off the boat.

This is Randy bare footing.  It was really neat to see.

Taking off to San Francisco.

Oh how we love each other
My bestest friend.

The Golden Gate Bridge.

We went to a Giants game.  They won 2-0.  We didn't have great seats but the view was so worth it.
Imagine this:  Inside Mr. Coke Bottle is a slide.  I SOOOOO wanted to go.

The Bay Bridge

Walking around San Francisco.
Rodger, me, Justin, RJ, and Randy.
The 2 boys are Randy's sons.

Oh the lazy seals.  They crack me up.
Such a cute picture.
Us "children" went to Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum.  This is the largest man ever drafted.  It cracked me up.
This is myself trying to show that I CAN DO THIS.  Obviously the flash was in the way.
Can you?
Goodbye San Francisco.
We had such a good time.  Thanks for putting up with us.  Again soon, we promise.

5th Softball Game
We lost.


Ben and Lindsay said...

Looks like you guys had TONS of fun! you guys always do! I love how Rodg was freaking out bout the spider! haha So I miss you!! I still want to do dinner! Love you tons

sarah baldwin said...

you guys are the cutest ever!!! it's so fun to see you two so in love and having fun together. it's so important!!! is that your mom with the hot bod on the floaty or is that your hot bod cort? love you guys!

Joan said...

What a great trip! We missed you!

Jacki said...

Wow wonderful!!! Lucky you!!!

Chris and Brooklyn said...

Fun! I'm loving all the new posts! You look so beautiful and tan!