Thursday, May 7, 2009

3rd Softball Game

We Lost.
Key Plays:
Rodger caught an amazing throw to 1st base, I've never seen him stretch so far.
Lizzy was in a Pickle. Half of the other team was trying to get her out, she got out but it was a good try.
Ashley almost started crying. (What's new)
Both Landon and I got out at home plate. I had to slide. I have some cuts, but I'm ok.
Why did we loose?
Our batting sucked:)


Jessica said...

Hilarious post Cort. Rodgie stretching and Lindz in a pickle...classic. Does Ash cry a lot? We totally need to come watch you guys play.

Joan said...

Even though you guys lost, it ranks right up there with one of my most favorite game to watch. I need to video the games, but when I do nothing happens like this one! Actually Jessica, Ash is getting ALOT better. Even when she re-told the story she teared up, but of course with a smile on her face! Love your posts Cort!